Nissan Leaf Battery Modules Repurposed in Solar Energy Storage

Let’s talk about batteries [Music] [Music]
[Applause] this right here is a 14 s 48 volt module battery module made out of seven of
these leaf battery packs right as you know the Nissan Leaf released in 2010 is the world’s best-selling electric car
all sales total three hundred and eighty thousand units by December of last year and nearly half of those are here in the
United States so with so many cars on the road there are a lot of these batteries floating around so how come
I’ve never played with those you ask well they’ve always been too expensive everyone wants like more than $100 per
little module they’re really attractive they come in this little canisters but then it’s not a lot of battery in there
to justify for the price that most people want so I paid a visit to techdirect Club on eBay
in their local facilities here and let me tell you they have warehouse fooled and full of these batteries right these
batteries come back from manufacturer for one reason or another so they are testing all these batteries to make sure
that they all have good voltage on them and then they randomly test some of the modules so they send me a kit to put
together so let’s test one of these modules first and then let’s build it into a 48 volt little system put
together so that we can run a 48 volt inverter all right here is a leaf module these are made of pouch cells inside
right but these are the metal canisters where they come they come with little holes so that you can stack them
together you can put all thread and then you can connect them together right so it’s got three terminals because it’s
got two pouches so 3.7 volts plus 3.7 volts these are advertised as 500 watt hours
less capacity test one of these guys to see where they’re at all right here’s the setup
I this one we’re only discharging one cell rent and using this guy to discharge it
and then that’s a regenerative charging we’re putting that energy back in here the reason I’m doing that is because it
allows me to go kind of fast right I’m doing 16 amps right now let’s do 25 it’s a little bit between five 17 18 21
23 we go 24 which is crazy because that 25 amps only equals about 100 watts this is such a difference okay so let’s look
at what the supply is doing look at that so we’re putting in about five amps into the Tesla battery and we’re taking off
about 25 amperes so at this point should take about two hours let’s see if you can push it a little bit harder let’s go
30 this charger is smarter than the last version that I had which kind of fried itself by me pushing it hard
this is a little bit smarter so it will prevent in of the MOSFETs from just destroying themselves
so there we go it’s discharging 30 amps these cables will run warm but they are rated at 40 amps as they have a 40 amp
fuse in here so at 30 amps it’ll be it’ll be okay it’ll be fine yes although I think all the way up to 40 I’m gonna
do their file let’s say alright we’ll see how long it takes we’ll come back and see at the end all right here we go
so this just finished and look at this so it took about 66 minutes just a little bit over an hour it took thirty
eight point four eight and powers so this module here is 38 amp hours went all the way down to 2.5 volts so yeah
that’s pretty much all that there is available there so it’s a 2.9 right now it kind of bounced back up so now I’ll
charge it back up to match it where it was before and then yeah we’ll put the whole module back together
all right here the kid comes with a seven of these modules it’s got the BMS and then it’s got these plates right
here to put it all together along with some my hardware you know screws and all threads and stuff let’s put this thing
together first thing the modules so you gotta pay attention
to this positive negative positive negative positive negative positive negative positive that’s you got to make
sure those are like that you have to get this guy so we put this guy here here so of course at this point the BMS
connections are pretty standard like any 14s BMS a diagram pretty much looks the same so you just have to follow that all
the way through the pack so now I set the coverage just set to like cut in here
it’s kind of beat up there but last thing you’d have to do its connect the cable into the BMS there are two term
Istres you get some captain tape run one in this battery here for example then the other one I can run it over here
there we go there you go so have any of those kind of a mess in there but not to worry because this we have a cover for
that and there you go there should be power there
if the MOSFETs are on oh my go 54 volts this battery here would be capable of doing about two and a half kilowatt
right this is a about two kilowatt hour and it’ll do about two and a half so a little bit over one see with this BMS
system in here so what do I think about these batteries I think I think they’re great they’re they’re the form factors
nice they come in these mail canisters that you can bolt together and then you can you know very easily put bus bars
across you know seven of them and do 14s which is perfect for 48 volts that’s the good stuff right the bad stuff is that
they’re still kind of expensive right 170 170 dollars a kilowatt hours somebody that and the reason why they’re
kind of expensive is because at least the ones that I got are like somewhere around 50 percent degradation right so
50% of the original capacity is gone these were supposed to be 500 watt hours per module but the one that I measured
here is 38 amp hours times 3.7 that’s 140 watt hours times 2 that’s 280 right so that’s 280 when it’s supposed to be
500 so yeah it’s like maybe 60% some I got 55 60 % so that’s the bad right but there are
tons of them right and so if you need to build something big and quicks and you can you can order these and build them
into large battery packs now this company is also along with this system that I used to put it together the
plates and the bolts and stuff they’re also designing bigger systems right this is the little 2 kilowatt hour one and
there’s gonna be like a 8 kilowatt hour or something like that and then it all the way to like almost 14 kilowatt hour
and so they’re working on these systems so that they’re kind of plug-and-play you you just you know you get them you
bolt them together you connect the bus bars you connect the cables and put the BMS is and then
and then you can just charge them you can you can connect solar to them and then collect you know connect your
inverter on the other side and then there and they’re ready to be used so there’s definitely good solutions coming
from them so if you’re interested in these batteries I’ll put the link where you can get them down in the description
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you guys on the next one [Music] [Music]